Friday, March 6, 2009

My Grain

This headache is literally KILLING ME. Seriously. It's been around for like what? 1 WEEK!! It is plain annoying. And sleeping doesn't really help. Staying up doesn't either if you're asking LoL. I never planted any grain before wor why la the grain come to me. =(

And the thing to add to it. My cough is very stubborn towards antibiotics and refuses to leave me alone. (bad cough!!) Yeah. And so my cough is pretty scary (at least to me and my mum). When you see me cough you'll think I'm an asthma person. But am not. And it's been around for 1 month. I would say it's much better than it started off. Just a few weeks ago I was wondering whether I could actually cough till I vomit, 'cause I really felt like vomiting every time I coughed. But didn't. And then came yesterday night.

I was sleeping like a panda. (Fine pandas don't sleep) And then the cough attacked me again. It's usual for me to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and get the cough 'seizure' . So yesterday I woke up and started coughing again. And then I took in some water. But it wouldn't stop. And then I think I inhaled too much air and POOP. I vomited. Not on the floor la. Managed to 'contain' my emm.. you-know-what and rush to the toilet. Vomited once again before telling my mum. And then back to pandaland. (WOOO new word!!) But I didn't feel the urge to vomit again. So I guess it's just me inhaling too much air while coughing.

And so.

Conclusion: Hypothesis is accepted. You can cough till you vomit due to too much inhaled air.

Oh and won't be around the weekend till Sunday. Doubt I'll be online on Sunday too. Going for Orientation Camp. I know I know. Why your orientation never end one? Gonna end already la... with the March intake coming in. *headacheeeeeee* GAH. Haven't PACKKK!! Summore I wanna type out one more post.

My brain tells me not to go 'cause of the headache yet my heart wants to go 'cause of the experience. I never experienced real CAMPING in TENTS before. Going for the experience. And I think I need a break from the studies too. And more fresh O2 for my brain. And also time to talk more with God. And also, the calm before the storm (SPM results) . Anyway, got another post to rush to.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa... With the March ppl coming in, you're gonna be a senior soon! *evil grin* YOUR turn to torture the kiddies!

    Hope that the "my grain" is gone. Will be praying for your SPM results. ;)
