Saturday, February 28, 2009


Just mailed stuff to a friend overseas. Seeing the address, which didn't have postcode nor address (now I know why)..

Bro: Wah, no postcode no address one ah?

Liz: Yeah, hope they don't leave it on the road.


I really hope they don't~ and I find overseas punya address very nice and sweet. LoL. Actually my college's one also quite nice. Brickfields. Suitable name actually. Know why? (it's my own theory actually) It used to be a field but now all building. Building got brick ma. So Brickfields loh. =)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Fas la ter

LoL. I came up with that word today. While waiting for me and MeiYih's turn in the post office which shouldn't have been our turn. Know why? 'Cause we actually get to go before ALL the 20 PEOPLE BEFORE US. GEEZ!!! 1/2 and hour of our livesss..!!




Liz: Burp *blows to meiyih*

The Colour Of Your Life
Super nice

Spamerette in action. XD


Stuff to be stuffed in


Liz: Aiyo paper cannot fit in la
Meiyih: Cut the side wavey like
*cut cut cut*
*meiyih takes cut paper and writes on it*
Liz: LOL

Click on the picture to
enlarge it and see what she wrote XD

Thought she would be hungary then XP

*...sealed with love* LoL
she was writing on tissue fyi

We managed to wrap it =D

Happy MeiYih

The longest recepit I've ever got. The machine went
"chng chng chng chng chng chng chng
chng chng chng chng chng chng chng chng
chng chng chng chng chng chng chng chng chng
chng chng chng chng chng chng chng chbg
chng chng chng chng chng chng
and chng

you get the picture LoL

Feel super sampat with meiyih today LOL. Let's do it again next time ehehe.
We're so gonna get it from her for writing her name like that LOL

Can these pictures count in my 365 day journal? XD

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Noah's ark

Today my Chemistry teacher asked.

"Do you know why it's getting hotter and hotter these days?"

We, being typical science student

"Global warming!"

Then he wrote on the whiteboard

"The rainbow is God's promise that he would never..."

He ended his sentence there and told everyone briefly the story of Noah's ark, how God flooded the whole world and only Noah and his family survived. So God used the rainbow as a promise that he would not destroy the world through flood again.

And then he added below the sentence he wrote

"This time it will be fire"

O.O So true

Friday, February 13, 2009


College college college. Feels like I've already had enough of it. Been very irritable lately. Partly because of the cough I'm having that wants to stay. Aih, what to do? My body internal environment eg pH, O2 level, temperature too suitable for them. Sorry. Bio info stuck in head.

College had OB (Orientation Ball) Night audition this week. I really miss handling PA. =( My college peeps have got talent. And I just found out we have a Dance Club. (O.O) Time to lose weight Liz. And now that the new basketball court is up, I'll have to find anyone that's interested to hoot with me. =D

On the brighter note for the week. (Other than me finding the section for english fiction books in the library) I met Huiyi today!!!!! XDDDDD Met her in the Tmn Jaya LRT Station. LOL. Really didn't expect that to happen. Felt like some 'high school' part of me triggered on again. Intro-ed her to my mum and stuff. HAHA.

Wonder when I'm gonna meet ShuYing again.

Yeap..we do move on.

Deprived of sleep

Body sick. Now comp also sick . GAH. *grumble grumble*

Friday, February 6, 2009

Lizzie got ragged

Tell me about it. Had ragging this whole week. Seniors ragging juniors of course. Well... in a way it's to make college life more interesting. And we- the newbies, had to get at least 60 signatures from our seniors. And well, they rag you then. I only got 6 and I was already fed up. So yeap. Will get punishment again from them next week. Not really taking it to heart.

Let's see, from the 6 signatures I had to get, 2 wanted lame jokes (guess what? I told both of them the same joke and they laughed their heads off. The vampire joke never fails XD), one wanted me to propose to someone (thank God not on my knees), one wanted me to shout "XX ROCKS" 5 times, one wanted me to sing "I kissed" , and the last one just willingly gave me. Cheers to him! =) My other friends got worse. But of course they got more signatures.

Did I mention. We had to ARRIVE in college 7.15 for the whole week. It's like waking up for high school or something. Or they'll punish you. (punish punish punish GAH) First day of ragging we had to do duck walk and run around the basketball court 6 rounds. Lizzie totally knocked out after that. And my legs are experiencing a very nice ache indeed. Climb up stairs like old grandma, climb down stairs like limping. Very nice. Somemore not like we don't have to climb up down up up up down for periods you know. It adds the 'cherry' to the ache I tell you.

And the next day. We had to wear our SCHOOL UNIFORMS to COLLEGE.


I was actually thrilled when I heard it. 'Cause I find my uniform really comfortable. And I really wanted to 'relive' the high school moments just for one more day. But the sore throat got me and I was absent that day =(

Today. We already heard that we would get wet. So everyone was either in black or in shorts yada yada. And in the morning, they said they didn't have permission to wet us. Yeap. Turned out to be a prank. 'Cause they really did wet us after college. BOOO! And let me tell you. It's not the seniors splashing you with water that is scary. It's the reaction of the people when the seniors are splashing them and you are all SQUASHED in between them. Really a scary moment. The senior cornered us all. And obviously you wouldn't wanna be the one on the side. And so everyone push push push, and somehow we all formed a circle. That's where I got squashed and totally freaked out. But... I have to admit.. it was fun. =)

So to sum up. College is starting to sink in. The miss-high-school-feeling doesn't kick in as hard as it did during the first few weeks. Plus the homeworks and tests will keep you all focused on the moment. I really dowanna make the same mistake I did during F4 & F5- slacking behind studies and homework. Well. I can say I made a good start for the year. ;)